    Système de montage pour toitures plates FlatFix
    Structure for solar panel installation
    Structure for solar panel installation
    Structure for solar panel installation

    FlatFix East-West FlatFix Mounting System

    121,43 €
    Inklusive Steuer

    Ground or flat roof structure for East-West solar panels, adjustable length.

    Inclination: 13 degrees

    Ideal for creating a solar field!

    Number of panels: 1 East panel / 1 West panel

    FlatFix East-West FlatFix...

    121,43 €


    Light and flexible mounting system for East-West solar panels

    Flatfix fusion scheme


    FlatFix Fusion is used for fixing solar panels on a flat roof. Lightweight, the structure allows the custom panels to be assembled to obtain an optimal solution for any flat roof. 
    The system is designed for quick and easy assembly using few components. The main components are connected to each other by means of joint notches that fit together. You only need a tool to mount the solar panels. This greatly reduces the time it takes to install without compromising quality!

    >> Wiring Management:

    To reduce the potential risk of interference in panel wiring, the structure incorporates a cable management system. It also prevents them from hanging out on the ground



    Lightweight structure

    Suitable for almost all flat roofs. 

    The placement is quick and easy, with a minimum of weighting. What makes this system unique is its flexibility: the same parts can be used to build a conventional installation to the south, for an East-West or North-South exhibition. 
    With its 13-degree angle of inclination, the PV system will perform well in just about every direction.

    >> Needs little weighting!

    Flatfix Fusion is a lightweight structure and requires little weighting arranged at strategic points. This does not add too much extra load to a roof.


    Thermal integrity and robustness




    The components of the system are connected to each other by fixed parts with self-clicking nests. The system is designed so that the thermal effects of the building are not transmitted to the panels and vice versa. This prevents damage to the panels or the integrity of the roof.

    >> Transport and handling

    The components of the fastening system are assembled through parts of self-clicking junctions. The system is composed of a small number of parts and requires very little material, making it easy to transport, handle but also to mount.


    Choice of optiona

    How to choose a system that fits my panels

    To choose an assembly system suitable for your panels, it's simple: simply select the number of panels per row you want in Options.

    If you want a second row: you need to add a second assembly system to your cart.

    >> Accessories are also available at the bottom of the product page: wind deflectors and weight rack.



    The basic parts of the FlatFix system allow you to mount your panels on a structure. 

    The basic parts of the flatflix fusion system



    The basic system can be supplemented with 3 complementary products to optimize and secure your panels (utility depending on the conditions of use).

    Wind deflectors2 Wind deflectors / cut wind sides - FlatFix

    Protecting the system and wind panels while remaining open for good ventilation. 

    This ensures protection of the system and solar panels and improves the life of the panels.

    >> See side wind deflectors

    Wind deflector

    Wind deflector / downwind cut - FlatFix

    Protecting the system and wind panels while remaining open for good ventilation. 

    >> See rear deflector

    Rack for weighting

    Rack for weighting - FlatFix

    Rack of weighting to ensure the secure maintenance of the structure in place.

    >> See rack for weighting



    Flachdach - Bodenstruktur
    Youtube-Video 1 - ID
    Youtube-Video 2 - ID

    Spezifische Referenzen



    Manuel Flatfix FR

    Herunterladen (13.04MB)

    Manual Flatfix EN

    Herunterladen (12.87MB)

    Flatfix double installation FR

    Herunterladen (13.03MB)

    Flatfix double installation EN

    Herunterladen (13.02MB)
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    Anonymer Käufer veröffentlicht am 12/03/2023 Nach einer Bestellung vom 12/01/2023


    Lors de l'achat d'un "systéme de montage" le mieux serai de connaitre le nombre de piéce etc qui compose ce kit ... Et non juste un nombre de panneaux ...Il manque un peu de détails...

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